Monday, September 16, 2013

Zip lining

For my birthday this year Brandon arranged for us to go zip lining.  It was one of those things that I have on my bucket list and this seemed like a good excuse to go.   We were also using this as a Recon mission to see if we thought Reagan could handle it.  She has expressed interest in going, but we weren't sure if she could do it.  On this particular course, she doesn't meet the height requirement, and even if she did, I don't think she could do all the climbing to get up the poles.  

We had to go through a short training session and then we were off on our own.   Here Brandon is getting strapped in.  

This is the baby course, where they taught us how to use the clips.  

Mixed in with the zip lines, were some obstacle type things.  

 This one kicked my butt.  It was a lot harder work climbing up this than I thought.  

Right before the last zip line, they had a rest area with sodas and tables.  While we were enjoying out break, we saw this huge banana spider.  It was easily the size of my outstretched hand.  Gross!

Not a very lady-like pose, but after landing backward several times and being drug through the dirt/wood chips, I finally figured out how to run into the landing.  

We had a great time and I would  definitely go zip lining again! 

1 comment:

  1. Vicariously enjoyed the zipping, but in real life I would never, never have the courage for the heights and speed of actually doing it. It appeals the the mental part of me but not the physical. So good on you!!!
