Thursday, August 29, 2013

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

Today I was inspired to download the pictures from my iPhone.  Some of these may be repeats and there's a little bit of everything.

We recently hosted a baby shower at our house for some friends.  Brandon wanted to make my dad's famous Gin bucket, but we had left our cooler in storage.   We found this gem at the Sea and Sun store and Brandon was in love.   Girls like purses and shoes, well, Brandon likes coolers, luggage and coats. So, this is his first (of many) Japanese coolers and he's thrilled with it.  

 Brock's front tooth was coming in behind his bottom tooth, so being thee dentist's kid we had to fix it.  They put a cap on the tooth to make it fall in front of the bottom one and he had to wear the cap for about a week.  We called him hillbilly baby.

This was taken in Iowa this summer.  My nephew Colton can always come up with a fun way to entertain Reagan and Brock.  

This was at Okuma overlooking the private couple's beach.  

There is a restaurant here called Arashi's that has a ticket ordering system.  You put your money in the machine and order your dinner.  It spits out tickets for you to give to the chef.  

Here's a picture of the machine.

Reagan was at a friend's house, so we just had Brock to entertain.  They don't have high chairs, but did have small kids seats. 

 Check out my glass Pepsi bottle.  It was a tiny bottle.

Here's Brandon stealing a sip.
 luckily no one was behind us at the next table, because Brock was all over that place.  He kept lifting the screen and peeking under it. 

We ordered the Soy fried rice.  It comes out screaming hot in the cast iron skillet and has a raw egg around the edge of the pan.  Then, you are supposed to mix everything up.  It was delicious!

 After dinner we took a walk on the Sunabe sea wall. 

This is a spider that is in our backyard.  It doesn't look big in the picture, but it was easily the size of a baseball.  Bugs here are on steroids, I swear!

Shopping at Nitori a few weeks ago, we stumbled upon this.  I love that you can wash your hands on the top of the toilet and we thought the sign inside the bowl was funny too.  

A random store  - we didn't stop :)

Reagan spotted this sign at an indoor kids play place we went to.  Read carefully!

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