Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ryukyu Glass Factory

This weekend we decided to head South to the Ryukyu Glass Factory.  Ryukyu Glass is in every gift shop on the island.  They make it right here on the island, but also have a factory in Vietnam.  You can buy pieces from both locations here.   We didn't buy any of the glasses, but plan to get a few before our time on Okinawa is over.  

Brandon and the kids outside the factory

Watching the artists working.    

They were watching a guy making a vase I think.  I liked the mosaic wall behind them.   You could buy the glass tiles in the store.  

 The  inside of the store area

 Here is Reagan with some of the expensive pieces.  Trust me, she got the "look with your eyes, not your fingers" speech before we went inside.

 In the Glass Outlet, you could buy a box of scrap glass pieces.  We filled a box and are planning some craft projects for them.

 I took this picture  in the Museum area, and got reprimanded by the clerk.  Oops, no photos allowed!

 The Japanese love their Ice Cream.  Almost every store or attraction has a stand outside.   We've eaten more ice cream here than ever before!  Reagan and I are debating our options.

Brock and Brandon went with Pineapple ice.  Brock gives it a thumbs up.

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