Monday, December 17, 2012

So long Funcargo - I wish I could say its been fun!

If you'll remember, when we got to the island, we purchased this cute little Japanese car called a Funcargo.  Let me tell you, the cuteness wore off real quick.  We ended up hating that car because it was so flimsy.  I don't know how else to describe it because it's doors were super thin, it was loud...we hated it.

Fast forward to a Wednesday night about 2 weeks ago.  We had dropped Reagan off at Girl Scouts and had run to the BX for some last minute Christmas shopping.  Deciding that we didn't have time go home first, we just were going to drive around a bit to kill time before picking Reagan up.  We were at a stop light on base when we were rear ended.  I'm sure that he wasn't even going that fast, but it felt like a major impact in this tiny car.  

So, Brandon is now the proud new owner of a 10 year old Nissan Skyline.  None of the Americans drive new cars here, not even kind of new cars.  Most are at least 10 years old.    I'll try to take pictures of the "new" car and post them later.  

By the way, the damage above totaled the car.  It still drove fine, but the back door wasn't able to be opened.  We decided we didn't feel all that safe in it anymore, especially with the kids.  

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