Sunday, October 14, 2012

Our house - the after pictures + another trip to the Aquarium

I've been slow at getting these pictures uploaded - here are a few "after" pictures of our house. 

 Dining room/office area
 Living room and front door

living room - behind me is the hallway to our bedrooms.

 Kitchen - Reagan was happy to see pumpkins at the Commissary - we weren't sure that we would be able to get them here.  

Normally I wouldn't allow my kids to stand on the counter, but he's so cute.  Come on, if he were standing on your counter, could you say no?

Last weekend we went back to the Aquarium to see some of the things we missed the first time around.

Brandon took this awesome picture of a puffer fish.  Reagan tried hard, but couldn't scare him into puffing up.

Even Brock likes the aquarium!

The Manatee tank could use some work, but it was neat seeing them so close.

Reagan, our budding photographer took this shot.  

Senior picture pose?

This past weekend we took it easy and just hung around the house for the most part.  We have a busy couple of weeks coming up with school activities and girl scout events.   

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