Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 1 +

The first week on island has been a whirlwind of events, with long periods of boring mixed in.  We arrived on Friday night and were settled into our hotel around 10PM.  We all did pretty well with the time change and slept most of the night, I think we were all up by 5 AM though.  Brock took longer to adjust than the rest of us, but overall, it wasn't a hard change.  

Saturday morning our sponsor picked us up and we headed to the exchange to get cell phones.  There are 2 companies on the island that we could pick from, but they are both expensive with crappy service, so there wasn't much of a choice really.   

We also hit the Commissary for some supplies to have at the hotel because as luck would have it, a Typhoon was headed our way.  It's a good thing we did get the groceries, because we spent Sunday at the hotel and Monday the base was officially closed.  It didn't seem all that bad from the hotel window, but what do I know about typhoons...

On Tuesday we had a housing meeting.  They assign base housing based on rank and occupancy rates, Brandon's rank dictated that we live on base, which was fine with us.  Wednesday when we were taking our driving test at the Newcomers Orientation meeting, we got the call from housing that they had 2 units for us to check out.   PS, we passed the test, here's a picture of us with our new licenses. 

We were officially offered 2 places, one a multi-unit and one single family home.  We were able to go into the multi-unit, but not the single family home.  We had 24 hours to make our decision, although they were willing to give us a little more time because we couldn't see the inside of the house.  

Here's a picture of the multi-family unit.  It had just been renovated, and honestly, it was much nicer than I was expecting.  The yard, or lack of yard, was the main negative for us. 

This is the new kitchen in the multi family unit... it was hard to say no to.

We decided to go with the Single family house even without seeing the inside.  We did drive by and peek in the windows a few different times and it looked ok.  We decided to go with this house because the yard was pretty nice.  I should also mention that we offered to get Reagan a trampoline if we ever had a yard that would work for one, so this nice, flat backyard sealed the deal.  We are now the proud new owners of a trampoline :).  
 Our  house on Kadena

The perfect backyard for a trampoline

Our first pet - one of two huge snails we saw stuck to our house.

The other highlight of the first week and a half is that we purchased cars.   The plan coming over here was that I would get a minivan... I know, I know, and that Brandon would get a small car.  Well, it didn't quite work out that way.  We went to a few of the dealers here to get the first car, but we just weren't seeing a minivan that I wanted.  I wanted a small, Japanese style one, but I soon realized that most of those only seat 5 people, which defeated the purpose of a van for me.  So, we ended up with a Honda Odyssey for Brandon.  It's not like an Odyssey from home though, it's more like a cross over or station wagon.  It will hopefully last us the 3 years we are here.  

We decided to try to get the other car from a service member that was leaving the island.  We hit the lemon lot on Kadena and saw the cutest little red car.  It's a Honda Fun Cargo and it's now mine.  It is tiny enough that driving and parking in town will be easy for me, but yet has some grocery room in the back.  It's bare-bones though...  It's probably too early to start day dreaming about the car I will get when we move home, right?  

So, Friday is the big move-in day and we are so ready to get out of this hotel.  It's nice enough, but we are cramped for space and I'm sick of eating out.  

All in all, the first week went well.  We are happy to be moving in as quickly as we are and the driving hasn't been as intimidating as I expected.  

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