Happy Easter! This post contains all of our various Easter activities. Here the kids are at the Exchange getting their picture taken with the Easter bunny. Reagan has had her picture taken with the bunny in Williamsburg for several years and likes the bunny there (My sister-in-law is plays the part of the bunny), but for whatever reason she had no desire to meet this bunny. It could be her age, or the fact that she thought this one was "creepy" in her words...who knows. The good parents we are made her do it anyway, because we needed someone to hold Brock :).
Brock wasn't scared, but pulled the same trick he did with Santa, and just wouldn't look at Dad for a picture.
One of our neighbors goes all out for Easter and invited the kids over for an egg hunt on Saturday. They invited a few other families, and there were probably 15 kids participating. Before it got started, the neighbor mentioned that there were over 1000 eggs, plus Golden eggs which had special prizes. It was nuts, Reagan had to come back and dump her basket at our feet so that she could keep filling, as did all the kids. Such a fun morning and it was nice that the weather cooperated. 
Here's Brock checking out the eggs. He wasn't impressed at all with the grass. Notice below his extra long stretch to reach the egg. He certainly wasn't going to crawl on the grass to get it.
Saturday afternoon the base was hosting an Egg hunt at the ball diamonds. They were advertising 50,000 eggs and had 4 different times for each age group. The picture below is taken through the ball fence. You can't see Reagan, but she's out there somewhere. She cleaned up with 19 eggs and had a good time. 
Brock, not getting what all the fuss with Easter egg hunting is all about :).
They also had Japanese dancers and other performances going on. This little guy was so cute to watch.
A shisha dog performer.
Reagan decorating our easter eggs.
Easter morning's egg hunt was indoors since it was raining hard outside. Here's Brock on the move.
The kids with their Easter goodies. Keep in mind this is from the bunny, 2 sets of Grandparents and an aunt and uncle. The bunny is not that generous!
I love this action shot of Reagan. You can see her hair flap as she flounced down to grab an egg.
Reagan cracking her eggs to see what's inside.