Friday, October 25, 2013

Tokyo Disney Resort Day 3

On Monday we headed out super early to get to Tokyo Disney Resort before park opening.    We were about a 1/2 hour early and were towards the front of the waiting line.  The store on the left is shaped like a suitcase.

Some of my photos are a bit blurry.  With the huge crowds always behind me, I never felt like I could stop to take a photo.  

This is one of the Disney hotels.  

A shot of the crowd before opening.  

Some Japanese people peeking in on Brock.  

This is the "main street" area.  Brandon and I had a plan...well, I had a plan, he was taking orders.  I sent him to the Monsters inc. ride immediately to get Fastpasses, while I took the kids to the Pooh ride.  No joke, the kids and I hustled straight to the ride immediately after opening and when we got there, the wait was already 45 minutes.  We skipped it.  So, we quickly went on the Tea cups,  Pinocchio's daring adventure and the Carousel without any waits.  Brandon showed up while we were riding the carousel and the lines were already getting long.  We decided to head over to toon town to see what we could get done over there.  

On the Tea Cups

Reagan doing a little "ear" shopping.  She ended up with Dumbo ears.

Here's a shot of Fantasyland. 

When we got to toontown, we were all starving.  Mind you, it's about 9:45 at this point.  Reagan and I went to a cart that had cream cheese stuffed pretzels and Brandon went to a different cart.  When we met up, he had this to show.  It was a sausage on a bone, a real bone.  They stuck a real bone into a hot dog.   For some reason, this fascinates me.  I just couldn't wrap my head around why.  Anyway, he had one bite and declared it bad.  Brandon is much more daring than I am, so if he doesn't like it, I'm not even trying it.   

You can see the pretzels in the bottom of this photo.  Reagan didn't like the cream cheese, so I got two pretzels.  Yes, I ate both of them.  Luckily, I packed a bunch of snacks for the kids in my backpack, so they didn't starve.  

Oh, I forgot Brandon also got a black pizza.  I'm not sure if it was black because it was Halloween or not.  The menu didn't explain.  He said it was just ok.  I stuck with the pretzels.  

So after our quick break, we decided to hit Minnie's house.  We had to wait about 5 minutes, which wasn't bad at all.  

Here Reagan and Brock are in Minnie's yard.

The tree is Chip and Dale's tree house.  We went in this, but it was lame.  It really amounted to walking up a narrow winding staircase and then down again.  I didn't get it. 

a photo of Goofy's house.  We didn't go in, as the line was 40 minutes or so.  Brock's max wait time is 20 minutes at best.  

Minnie's fireplace.

Trying to hold Brock down long enough for a photo on Minnie's couch.  

Brock and Reagan sleeping in Minnie's bed. 

Checking our her wheels.  

In one of the shops Brandon showed Brock a huge Pooh.  I don't even want to guess what it cost. 

Of course we had to get a picture at the dentist's office.   

Time for another snack.  We looked at the menus at several places and nothing sounded good to us.  We found a bakery on Main street and got a few things there.   Side Note - Egg Salad sandwiches from convenient stores are AMAZING here.  We love them, they are my "go to" meal when we are out.  So, this place had an egg salad and pastrami on a crescent roll.  Reagan picked out a chocolate muffin and and apple pie type thing.  Then we went across the street to get Brandon something.  

Brandon came back with a "Mike eye" kind of like the ones above.  This one had a bean paste filling and a strange outside.  I tasted it and it was ok.  Brock liked it.  

This is the one and only family photo we took the entire trip!  I'm so glad we at least got 1.  

A couple of the characters...not sure who.

You can go upstairs in this castle, so Reagan and I waited in line so that she could sit in the throne and try on the glass slipper.

Finally, our last ride of the day was our Monsters inc ride that Brandon had gotten fastpasses for about 5 hours before.    We had all reached the "lets get out of here" point, so there was no use in sticking around any longer.  We headed back to the hotel to swim and relax.   We are glad we did it and it's crossed off my bucket list.  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tokyo Day 2 - Sky tree and Pokemon center

This was supposed to be our relaxing day, calling it that might be a stretch :).   We started out the day with buffet breakfast at the hotel.  This was Brandon's only request for the trip, since he's such a good sport on letting me pick the 99% of our other activities, he got his wish.  

We set out earlier than we planned because Brock was awake earlier than we would have liked.  We made it to the Tokyo Sky tree around 9 am.  We attempted to pre-buy our tickets for this, but you have to use a Japanese credit card, and our Japanese friend looked online for me and let me know that they were already sold out.  We knew that we could go day of to get tickets though, so that's what we were planning.  So, we get there around 9 and go through a quickly moving line to get a ticket  that says we can come back between 12:30 -1:00 to get in line to buy an actual ticket.  

 I had to lay down on the ground to get this picture.  

 There is a large mall area and a food court, so we grabbed a quick lunch there.  It was of course, super busy.  Brock had fallen asleep in his stroller, so we held a table while Brandon and Reagan got a random lunch for us. I say random, because they went to the closest stall with the shortest line and got a variety of things to try.

Here they are ordering.

I have no idea what we were laughing at, but even Brock is smiling so it must have been good.

Tokyo amazes me.

 Reagan is standing on the glass floor.  You could see the streets below.

Reagan in front of the Pokemon store.  This might have been the only time we were lucky on the crowds.  They apparently just released a new Pokemon game a couple of weeks before our trip.  Notice the cones that were used for crowd control.  Luckily we were able to go right into the store without waiting.

Reagan with her basket of goodies.  Brandon and Brock waited outside and we tried to be quick, but Reagan is indecisive and these are important decisions to her.  It was agonizing, but she finally settled on these items.

This is going to sound crazy, but I stumbled across the fact that there was a Wendy's in Tokyo and it was only 1 subway stop from our hotel.  So, that's where we headed for dinner.  It's nuts to be in Tokyo and seek out an American fast food place, right?  Not to us!  Brandon declared it the best Wendy's hamburger he's ever had in his life.  I had chili and a baked potato.  The chili was amazing.  Reagan was bummed that they didn't have chicken nuggets, but a frosty fixed her right up.    It's the little things...