Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving in Tokyo - Day 1

We flew into Tokyo on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving.  The flight was delayed a bit and with the 2 hour Bus/limo ride into the city, it was around 11 PM when we got to our hotel.  Brock is a very good baby, but for some reason, this flight brought out the worst in him.  He wouldn't sleep, even though it was way past his normal bedtime and he was tired.  He figured out real quick that he liked being passed between Brandon and I on the plane and spent a good deal of time moving back and forth.  He also liked to stand on my lap and look down the isle at the people behind us.  There was a Japanese man behind me that was smiling and making faces at Brock, which was nice.   The funny thing was that Brock would alternately smile back and him and then in the next minute would crinkle up his nose and sort of snort at the guy in a menacing manner.  At this point, Brandon and I were seriously reconsidering what we were thinking when planning this trip.  Luckily the rest of the trip was smoother than our flight.

This is Thanksgiving day, we had breakfast at the hotel and are setting out for our first adventure.

Our first time in the Tokyo Metro system.  The map looks completely intimidating, but Brandon was able to figure it out with the help of a cool app on his phone.  Notice how very clean the subway is!

Reagan taking a rest on the ride. 

The Pokemon Center.  Reagan is crazy into Pokemon right now.  When we found out there was a store in Tokyo, we knew we had to go.  She's been researching this store for weeks online by watching you tube videos and looking at pictures.  She wasn't feeling the best, but put on her game face for this outing. 

Here Reagan is with her goodies.  I'll admit, I was worried about how much this store was going to set us back, but luckily for Brandon and I Reagan likes little things.  She always picks out tiny things, she got some keychains for her backpack, a couple of stuffed animals, a christmas tree ornament and a few figurines.  

While Brandon and Brock were outside waiting for us to check out at Pokemon, they saw a bullet train.

Next we headed to Tokyo Tower, but stopped for lunch on the way.  Reagan was impressed with the plastic food we saw everywhere.  We ended up eating at McDonalds - the plastic food didn't look good enough for us to eat :).

Tokyo Tower

The view from the observatory  -this city goes on forever!  We've been to big cities before, but this one never ends, I was amazed by the size of Tokyo. 

This is the Tokyo Tree

This Robot cruised around and was an information source. Kids were shaking his hands and he/it was speaking to them in Japanese.  The only thing I understood it say was "excuse me".   We really need to work on our Japanese. 

This was a shrine or temple of some sort.  All those little things in the front our grave houses.  They are very elaborate  - I think I mentioned them in another post.  

On our way back to the subway, we stumbled on a random park.  We didn't see a whole lot of green, so we decided to pop in and check it out.  

I think people might actually live in these housed in the park.  There was a car that was covered with a cloth outside of one.  

We wanted to do something for dinner since it was Thanksgiving.  If you'll remember, we had McDonalds for lunch, so we wanted something a bit nicer.  We just started wandering over to the Shinjuku subway station, which is very large and busy.  There are a number of big department stores and a ton of restaurants.  We found this one and it had an English menu, we we went with it.  

The table had it's own little grill, and we ended up cooking the food ourselves, which was an experience.  Instead of napkins, you get aprons.  Brandon got a steak, I got vegetables and some ramen and Reagan had soup and rice.  There was a note on the menu that the meat is best when seared on the outside for a second.  If you know me, you know I like my steak to resemble beef jerky when it's done, so this scared me off.  It shouldn't have since we were able to cook it ourselves.  On the menu was also yummy things like Ox tongue and other meat that we don't typically eat.  

When in Brandon ordered Sake.  He got his own bottle, it must have been good because he offered me a drink when it first came out, but then never ended up sharing :).

Chef Brandon cooking my vegetables.  I tried the green things, not sure what they are, but I didn't overly care for them.  Reagan and I tried the corn, but again, it's not Iowa corn and doesn't compare.  We thought the white things were potatoes, but they weren't.  Brandon ended up burning them anyway, so we didn't try them.  It must have been the sake...

Brandon's sirloin cooking along with the rest of my vegetables.  I did have some of his steak and it was excellent.  

This one shows my Ramen and the sauces to dip the meat and vegetables in.  

Brock and I after dinner.  I forgot my hair products at home and could have died!  In this pictures I have no product in my hair.  I was able to use sign language with a japanese store clerk and replace most of what I left at home with success.  If you are a guy, you just won't understand how lost I was without my mousse.  

Leaving the restaurant - overlooking Shinjuku area.

After dinner we wandered around a bit and went into one of the department stores in the area.  I cracked up when I saw the number of Japanese men in business suites taking naps and/or reading their phones while testing out the recliners.

Brock is a huge hit here.  Babies in general are popular, but blonde babies are the rage.  He would draw a crowd almost everywhere we went.

Just a random shot on the way back to the hotel.  

Up next - day two Ginza and the Imperial Palace. 

Pizza in the sky

A few weekends ago we decided to go to Pizza in the sky.  We've heard a lot about it and wanted to try it out.  It's on the north end of the island, so it took us about an hour or so to get up there.  Here are some of the view while we waited to be seated. 

Everyone looks annoyed with me for making them take this picture.

This is the restaurant, we were offered a table inside, but they were all Japanese style, so we declined.  Brandon can not sit criss, cross legged ( we used to call it Indian Style, but I imagine that is no longer politically correct).   We opted for a picnic table in their tent enclosure instead.

This is a unique restaurant in that there is only 1 type of pizza per day.  You can take toppings off, but you can't add any on.  Today, our pizza was pepperoni, corn, green peppers, onions and I think ham.  Yes Gloria, we left off the onions :).

I don't know what it is with the corn, but it's been on almost all of the pizzas we've ordered off base.  It's also in the salad, you can get it as a side at McDonalds instead of fries, it's everywhere.  Being from Iowa, we are corn connoisseurs, and this corn just isn't up to par.  Brandon likens it to seed corn, it is definitely not the sweet corn we are used to.  

While the food was just ok, the views were great, and the drive up there was pretty fun too.  We probably won't go back until we have some company to take up there to enjoy the views and the interesting pizza.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sea life and Gala

The weekend before last, we decided to stick closer to home and ventured out on Sunday afternoon to Gala, which is a salt factory.  The reviews online were good, and while Reagan and Brandon didn't think it would be fun watching salt dry,  I drug them along anyway.  Well, I hate being wrong....the main factory area was closed, so it wasn't that exciting.  They did have some crafters working and here is a shot of the glass blowing area.  

I told you that I was going to do the peace sign in all my pictures... 

They did have a nice gift shop and ice cream parlor that featured Salt Carmel ice.  Brandon and I shared that and Reagan had something else.  I know she liked her flavor, even though it doesn't look like it below.

The hidden gem of the day was Sea Life, which was across the street from Gala.  Apparently they regrow and replant sea life off the coast of Okinawa.  They had small breeding areas with different cultures they were growing, which was interesting.  Plus, the view was pretty nice.

We had to walk down a steep path to their beachfront property. Along the way, we spotted this very elaborate grave with a view.  Graves like this, are all over the place, along side main roads and hidden in out of the way areas.  I need to do more research about them to find out their story.  

Sea life exhibits

They had an area that allowed you to touch certain things.  The nice Japanese lady showed Reagan how to pick seaweed and feed it to the other fish that were in the tanks.  

Reagan with the sea cucumbers - gross!

Brandon and Brock hanging out the in shade.  

This was next door to SeaLife's beach.  

You could walk out to the end, but it was hotter than we expected and we were all sort of over it and decided to skip this.   

 This was on the pamphlet we received at Sea Life.  I appreciate English anytime we can get it, but I love the things that get "lost" in translation.  

Random Brock photo - he's wearing a baby tool belt, although it's not easy to see.